Publisher WordPress Theme: Publisher – The Best Magazine Blog Newspaper and Review
Create and launch stunning websites with ease with Publisher, a sophisticated and user-friendly WordPress theme. Without having to spend time coding or modifying, it has everything you need to create a great and professional-looking website.
The theme’s adaptable design ensures that it will look fantastic on any screen size, from a 5k ultrawide display to a small smartphone screen. If you’re just getting started with web design or have years of experience under your belt, the Publisher theme is a great place to start.
You may get started right away without having to do any design work thanks to the homepage’s assortment of pre-made page builders and themes. And everything about the experience and design of your website is within your command.
The theme was developed with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind, which means it will assist you in climbing the search engine ranks. increased visitors will visit your site, and that will lead to increased sales or anything else you care about.
In addition, Publisher comes with a wide variety of useful add-ons out of the box, such as an image slider, forms, eCommerce widgets, and more. These allow you to rapidly and simply enhance your websites with functionalities that would otherwise need extensive coding.
Publisher is a fantastic theme for anybody looking to quickly and simply establish a stunning, professional website, whether they a blogger, photographer, or small company.
Alternative to Publisher WordPress Theme: Similar functionalities.
Why purchase at GPLPlus?
“You’ll find a broad variety of WordPress goods here that may assist you in making an impressive and functional website. To guarantee that your site is always up-to-date and safe, we only use trusted plugins and themes that get regular updates. Our products are user-friendly and flexible enough to be adjusted rapidly to meet your specific requirements. If you have any questions or concerns, our first-rate customer service team is here to assist.” – GPLPlus
Publisher WordPress Theme for WordPress Features
• Manage emails
• Bulk upload
• Add your currency
• Mega menus
• Catalog mode
• Shortcodes
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Publisher WordPress Theme best for beginners?
Yes, Publisher WordPress Theme is a great option for beginners. It has a simple yet sophisticated design, optimized for search engine optimization, ready–made templates, and a wide range of customization options. This makes it easy for anyone to get started with WordPress and build their website.
What are the benefits of using Publisher WordPress Theme?
- One, it has a sleek, expert design that works well across all devices (and browsers).
- You may increase your content’s visibility in search engines thanks to the Publisher WordPress Theme’s optimized templates and other features. There’s a built-in SEO tool that streamlines the process of optimizing material for search engines.
- Third, a responsive design was used in the Publisher WordPress Theme to guarantee an excellent user experience across all devices.
- Engage your users and increase conversions with Publishers’ many interactive features. Easily add content and boost user engagement with features like carousel sliders, social network integration, and personalized widgets.
- The Publisher WordPress theme gives you the freedom to experiment with the site’s color scheme and typefaces to get the exact appearance you want. In this method, you’ll be able to give your website a look that’s all your own.
Is Publisher WordPress Theme SEO–friendly?
Yes, Publisher WordPress Theme is SEO–friendly and provides a range of options to help you increase your website‘s search engine visibility. It includes built–in SEO features such as Schema markup, XML sitemaps, and more.
Is Publisher WordPress Theme affordable?
Yes, Publisher WordPress Theme is an affordable option. It is reasonably priced and offers great value for money, especially when compared to other premium WordPress themes. But hey! GPLPlus gives you a 90% discount, which can be purchased for only 4.99 USD.
Publisher WordPress Theme Changelog (Updated)
— Version 7.11.0 – 29 Jul 2021
Improved: Aparat embeds support added.
Improved: Demo Installer: increase memory and max_execution_time before demo installation to bypass timeout errors.
Improved: The gallery remover from posts with gallery post format from the content removed.
Improved: The custom CSS code field in the Better Ads panel now changes the classic CSS classes to dynamic classes on ad showing.
Fixed: Visual Composer FAQ and the Better Review conflict (about the the_content action)
Fixed: The interactive fields not working on some fields.
Fixed: The interactive fields not working on repeater fields.
Fixed: Block base widgets page issues fixed. (More WP 5.8 compatibility)
Fixed: Ads not loading in Infinity posts or inside pagination of blocks (in Ajax).
Fixed: Financial Pack: The CoinMarketCap Events widget not working.
Fixed: Financial Pack: The Logo of currencies are not showing properly.
Fixed: Smart Lists is working only in the ‘post’ post type! Now works on all post types
Fixed: Smart Lists with static pagination not working on pages.
Fixed: PHP fatal error on drag-drop new widgets to the sidebar.
Fixed: Topbar z-index decreased to fix WP admin-bar overflow issue.
Fixed: Fixed: Share buttons URLs are the first post URL in Inifinity ajax post-loading while setting more than 1 post at each loading.
Fixed: The Disable pagination mode not saving and working in archive pages.
Fixed: The menu item of off-canvas is open while it’s close sometimes!
Fixed: Publisher List Settings working on Gutenberg.
Fixed: Inline Related Posts save issue.
Fixed: Wrong characters in the Twitter share box.
Fixed: A non-numeric value encountered in post ranking.
Fixed: Sticky sidebar not works in 768px and 769px
Fixed: Wrong style print in demos fixed.
Fixed: Custom Lists style not working properly in Classic Editor
Fixed: Wrong style file for Gutenburg is loading!
Fixed: White space shortcode settings in classic editor not working properly.
Fixed: the bs-paddings fixed in Gutenberg. Changed from margin to padding.
Fixed: The align left and right inside post content ads brokes Google Ads. The align was removed for Google Ad banners.
Updated Plugins:
– Better Ads Manager
– Financial Pack
– Better Reviews
– Better Ads Manager
– Financial Pack
– Smart Lists Pack
– Publisher Migrator
– ACF Pro
– WPBakery Page Builder
– Master Slider
– Rev Slider
— Version 7.10.0 – 7 Jul 2021
Added: WP 5.8 Compatibility added.
Added: WP 5.7 Compatibility added.
Improved: The Sticky sidebar feature rewritten from scratch.
Works 80% faster and fixes the flashing issue on page scroll.
Improved: Blockquotes colors changed to a new modern way.
It generates 15% fewer CSS codes now.
Improved: Support of new Blockquote colors added to Publisher theme.
Improved: Gutenburg blocks performance improved.
Improved: Extra space after last add item removed.
Fixed: Text Padding & Intro Text option does not work on Gutenberg.
Fixed: Some Gutenburg blocks fields not work properly fixed.
Fixed: Blockquote style not changing live in Gutenburg while changing the settings.
Fixed: No margin between ads in the sidebar.
Fixed: Gutenberg blocks view not changing while option changes.
Fixed: TinyMCE sidebar helpers feature not works.
Fixed: The “Readable Updated Time” not saving properly.
Fixed: Push Notification blocks design.
Fixed: Primary sidebar is not the correct size in the Mobile and 3 column layout.
Fixed: 3 columns issue in max-width 1000px
Fixed: Twitter share button – HTTP ERROR 400
– Plugins Updated:
— Better Ads
— Blockquotes Pack Pro
— Version 7.9.2 – 10 Mar 2021
Fixed: Custom & special fonts are not loading. Thanks @irbest
Fixed: Some PHP warnings fixed.
Improved: Crypto News demo design improved and fixed.
Improved: Beauty Blog demo design fixed and improved.
Improved: Font loading codes improved.
— Version 7.9.1 – 9 Mar 2021
Fixed: Some extra space between blocks in v7.9
Fixed: Wrong space after block Modern Grid 3
Fixed: Horizontal scrollbar on left and right in Android News demo.
Fixed: Colorpicker for headings fields in typography tab not showing.
Fixed: Extra horizontal scrollbar on mobile while using Blog Listing 5. Thanks @Issa
Fixed: WP Admibar overlap on Publisher mobile menu header. @Thanks Issa
Fixed: Slider options not showing for Slider Pagination in all blocks.
Fixed: RTL style in demo installer page.
Improved: The performance of the dynamic CSS generator improved.
Improved: BetterAds: Campaign columns in admin improved to show only needed columns.
Improved: BetterAds: Admin performance improved a little bit (more in next updates).
— Version 7.9.0 – 6 Mar 2021
Added: 10 New demos added.
Added: “Staff Post” demo added
Added: “Games Portal” demo added
Added: “Old Mag” demo added.
Added: “Romantic Blog” demo added
Added: “Beauty Blog” demo added
Added: “Platina Blog” demo added
Added: “Celebs Mag” demo added
Added: “Deluxe Blog” demo added
Added: “Pro Gamer” demo added
Added: “Game Network” demo added
Added: Option to show updated time (standard and readable time) to all Publisher listing blocks.
Improved: 200% Performance improvement in options panel speed.
Improved: Admin panel style and RTL improved.
Improved: TinyMCE addons.
Improved: Using and replacing new techniques of Web development started.
It makes Publisher faster and better.
We will do it in 5 phrases and it’s the beginning.
Improved: The site layout (2 columns and 3 Columns) Changed to CSS Variables
You can use the following CSS varas
– Updated Plugins
— Better Reviews v1.4.11
— Better Ads Manager v1.20.4
— Better Weather v3.3.2
— Smart Lists Pack Pro v1.4.4
— Better Reviews v1.4.11
— Better AMP v1.11
— ACF Pro v5.9.5
— Slider Revolution v6.4.2
— Visual Composer v6.6.0
— Master Slider v3.5.0
Verified owner mahmoud sabry (verified owner) –
good works as origin great job
Verified owner [email protected] (verified owner) –
They didn’t included Contact Form 7 in their package even they have mentioned in PDF guide of the theme. Overall good theme with a lot of customization possibilities.
Verified owner agonlive (verified owner) –
Verified owner skweb6 (verified owner) –
Good, the latest version of the theme with the plugins.
Verified owner Kanhu Sethi (verified owner) –
Good theme for news
Verified owner Abdul Basit (verified owner) –
Good theme. I miss something table of contents to be the part of theme plugins.
Verified owner turkceoff (verified owner) –
Hassle free transaction. The theme is already perfect, I use it for many of my websites.