Paid Memberships Pro Donations Add On Allow customers to set an additional donation amount at checkout.
Donation Only Levels
You can also create a separate level and designate it as “Donation Only”. Existing members can make a one-time donation through this level and their membership will not be changed. If a user without a membership level makes a donation through the “Donation Only” level, they will be assigned that level. We advise sites to not allow access to restricted content for a “Donation Only” level in this type of setup.
“Donation Only” level(s) will still appear on your Membership Levels page. You can hide a level from this page using the Advanced Levels Page Shortcode Add On.
Integrating Donation Data with Membership Confirmation Emails
If you are using the Email Templates Admin Editor Add On, you can use the template variable !!donation!!
to add data about a donation amount made during checkout. This variable can only be added to the various “checkout” email templates for the member or the admin as well as the invoice.html
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