Grand Conference WordPress Theme is a responsive modern WordPress theme for conference & event web site. Built with the latest WordPress technology. Grand Conference support responsive layout so it looks great on all devices. It has predefined styling & templates and many features built specially for conference, event organiser or all meetup, seminar events which can be imported with one click.
Make your website uniquely
- 30+ predesign pages for conference & event web site. As uniquely showing conference & event informations are very crucial especially when & where questions, we focus on creating the various predesign pages for conference & event web site including sessions, schedule day, speakers, tickets table and many more. Moreover, simple steps are required to create with our pre-defined pages and content builder.
- The smoothest parallax scrolling ever Tell your stories with our provided smooth parallax scrolling with rendering performance of 60fps
- Video Parallax Make your website more attractive from your visitors by video parallax.
Design for conference & event website so your visitors can find all information quickly
- Filterable session topics. not only you can easily create sessions on your event conference. You can also organise them to multiple topics. So your visitor can easily filter to topic they interest and it helps increase chances of buying your event’s tickets!
- Conference Sessions by Days You can organise each sessions into multiple days and it’s automatically sort all sessions by start time of each session.
- 3 Schedule Layouts We want to make sure your visitors can easily find informations they want to know about your conference sessions so you provided various layouts to display sessions.
- Extensive Speakers Grid & Informations You can customise grid layout of speakers contents. Select from 2 to 5 columns layouts. Single speaker page also support social media links and all sessions by selected speaker.
- Location & Venue The important part of conference & event website is to information about were it happens and venue for example hotel. Theme provided all these layouts to displays map with locations and hotel informations beautifully.
- MailChimp newsletter support Provide option for your customers to subscribe to mailing list so you can send them promotions, early bird ticket or conference related news easily using mailChimp platform.
Various Booking Options
- Woocommerce product When your customer complete booking form. It will add selected product to cart and your customer can checkout and pay using online payment options from Woocommerce.
- Custom URLÂ When your customer complete booking form. It will redirect your customer to entered URL page.
Various Options for getting started Uniquely show your conference & event web site using a variety of sessions and speakers layouts or built-in content builder.
- 30+ predesign pages for conference & event web site. As uniquely showing conference & event informations are very crucial especially when & where questions, we focus on creating the various predesign pages for conference & event web site including sessions, schedule day, speakers, tickets table and many more. Moreover, simple steps are required to create with our pre-defined pages and content builder.
- Session Each session for example keynote presentation with detailed information like session start time – end time, speaker etc.
- Session Topics Once you created sessions, you can organise them into multiple topics so use can filter it on schedule page.
- Schedule Days Generally each event or conference will be organised multiple days. So you group each sessions to selected day so use can see what’s session available on which day on schedule page.
- Awesome 8 Predefined Styling Get your website working in short time with our pre-defined 8 demos layouts.
- Only One Click for Importing Demo Contents Quickly and easily import our demo contents including pages, posts, sliders, widgets, theme options and other settings with only one click.
- Share to Social Networks Easily share pages and posts through major social networks sites including Facebook, Twitter etc.
- 10 Blog Templates Multiple single blog post layouts are the powerful features to use in different purposes. Post content is flexible to display with images, gallery slider show or with other video source ex. Youtube, Vimeo, and self-hosted video Also, blog post support various content including photo, gallery, video, soundcloud etc.
- 8 Menu Layouts with 8 menu styles and various customizable options so you can easily create your own menu design.
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